By now the dvd has been released on the awesome movie about marriage, Fireproof. I highly recommend it to all couples and even those planning to marry. It has a great story line of what can happen in a marriage and what also happens apart from God. I purchased the download off of iTunes for my iPhone and it is just way to awesome. I have watched it 4 times this week. I don't think I will ever tire of it. It has so many things in it to watch out for in a marriage. But not to reveal to much about the movie I will let it go at that. Anyway see it if you have not, if you have rent or purchase it and watch it again. It has so much to offer to a marriage. It is truly one of the most impactful movies I have ever seen. Thank you Sherwood Church for producing and making this film. Awesome, awesome!! The book used in the movie, "The Love Dare Book" is a real book and available for purchase. Take care those you read this and try to do something special for your spouse this week and surprise them.
Ephesians 5:33
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10 years ago