Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Verb

Marriage is thought of in the English language as a noun. But I beg to differ, it needs to be a verb because it requires action. Without any action taking place in a marriage it will die. There needs to be action taken to keep it going. It requires much work to make it grow into what it needs to be in God's plan for marriage.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Rough Week

This past Sunday, my father-in-law passed away. He was a great man, he was very sick and it was hard to see him this way; but now we know he suffers no more. It is for this reason we are grateful and also that we who believe in Jesus and have accepted a personal relationship with him will see him again. Anyway it has been tough to see my wife as she has been going through this, as she is "Daddy's girl". There will be tough days ahead as we draw close to two big holiday seasons. One point that I will bring our concerning marriage is that I was able to allow her to be there during her father's illness. Several years ago I would have been demanding and the preverbial selfish jerk and probably made some comment about her needing to be with me and make her feel guilty about seeing her father. Thank the Lord I have grow some in that area. Sometimes I look back at how I have mistreated her and wonder how she has put up with me. I am definately a blessed man to have a wife like I have because she is so forgiving to me. She really is the one responsible for bringing me to my senses along with God of course but she has been patience with me and now I feel like I am on a road to better understanding her and putting her before me in all things. In God's perfect order you know it is GOD, SPOUSE, CHILDREN, FAMILY, OTHERS and then ourself. SOmehow we always seem to get that way out of kilter and flub things up. God has given us all potential and we choose to make it for good or for bad.

Keep Ruth and her family in your prayers and she starts the process of healing from the loss of her father. He truly was a good, caring man of God.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

First Thought

One of the first things we do after we get married is quit dating. We feel like it is not as important any more to try to win each other over. WRONG! It is essential that we continue to do this so we can learn more about our spouse, their feelings, likes and dislikes. Somethings change over time so we can get the updates as we go along. It also keeps us communicating which is a major problem with alot of marriages. Spending time goes with this as well and that is definitely good for a marriage. As we are married longer the trend is to do things separately so this helps keep this from starting. The husband feels he does not need to date as he has found his "catch" and he now closes up his feelings and questions and puts them in a box so to speak because he no longer needs them to sound out feeling and thoughts as he once did while hunting for Mrs. Right.
I started this blog as a means to help others with marriage issues. My wife and I teach small groups at our church about marriage issues. It is becoming more of a passion and I have been lead to use this means as well to better help those in the cyberworld with marriage issues or in preventative means to help couples before it becomes damaging to their marriage.